Starting in 2021, the Collective Futures Fund began awarding a yearly total of $80,000 in grant funding to collaborative and public-facing projects by visual artists, curators, and collectives across Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Middlesex, and Plymouth counties.

In 2024 project grant amounts were increased to $7,500

The current application cycle is open April 19, 2024 to June 16, 2024.

Applications collected in the following three categories:

Sustaining Practice Grants

Grants offered at $2,500 each geared toward emerging individual artists and collaborators who need critical support for research, to develop new projects and future ideas, and sustain themselves in the process. Applicants will be asked to submit representative work samples and give a short description of their practice and research focus. Research can be oriented toward designing projects such as exhibitions, publications, and other collaborative platforms OR exploration into subject matter and contexts for future work in the spirit of Collective Futures. Work samples need not directly relate to stated research focus, but we ask that applicants explain how their research fits in their larger practice. Grantees will not be required to produce results or specific outcomes but will be encouraged to apply for New Projects grants the following year.

Applicants will be evaluated on a combination of overall artistic work and stated focus.

New Projects Grants

Grants of $7,500 each to support the creation and public presentation of new projects by visual artists, curators, or collectives. These projects must be collaborative and have some component that engages the contexts and communities of Greater Boston, whether in process or presentation.

The application includes a project narrative, timeline, budget, work samples, collaborator information, and description of intended audience and outcomes. When considering work samples, please choose representative images/media that are aligned in method, ethos, or scale to the new project proposed.

Applicants will be evaluated based on project description, feasibility, and representative work.

Ongoing Platforms Grants

Grants of $7,500 each to support sustaining or the completion of long-term projects. This category recognizes the commitment, time, and focus required to pursue long-term artistic endeavors that support and foster local artist communities. These projects must be collaborative and have some public component to them. Applicants can apply based on specific initiatives or for general support for a platform.

The application includes a project description of ongoing work or specific initiatives, stated impact in the Boston community and why support is needed at this time, past work samples, and timeline and budget specifying need.

Applicants will be evaluated on past work samples and impact in addition to stated need at this time.

At the time of applying and completion of research/project, applicants must be residents of the Greater Boston area residing in either Plymouth, Norfolk, Middlesex, Essex, or Suffolk counties.



Visual artists, curators, arts writers, cultural organizers, collectives, collaborators at all career stages who reside in Norfolk, Middlesex, Essex and Suffolk counties are encouraged to apply.


-New artist-driven and run spaces, organizations, micro-cinemas, community centers, and collaborations for presenting and experiencing art, performance, old and new media, and community projects

-Publications, online or in print, that highlights and amplifies local artist communities and critical discourse

-Public art projects such as murals, outdoor sculptures, or installations with a temporary or permanent physical presence

-Curatorial projects by independent curators and/or visual artists

-Socially-responsive and engagement projects such as artist gardens, mutual aid arts initiatives, community storytelling, grassroots archives and history-keeping, and more.

-Independent and alternative artist-driven education projects such as lecture series, workshops, programming

While we take an expansive view toward the visual arts, the project must have visual arts and visual impact as a strong component. We welcome film, performance, dance, music, and education as part of that expansive definition, but a project’s relationship to the visual arts must be explained.

Artists operating in more traditional or craft disciplines are also eligible to apply. We ask that all applications describe their risk taking and experimentation within their particular discipline.

All projects must engage or be shared with the public in Greater Boston via process, presentation, production, or publication.

If applying as a group, a collaboration or collective can be longstanding or newly formed specifically for this project. Please identify one participant to serve as the lead contact. The lead applicant will the main contact and financially responsible for the grant, including taxes.


Please feel free to email info@collectivefuturesfund.org with any questions concerning eligibility.


What type of applicant/s are not eligible?

Projects organized by existing incorporated businesses (including LLCs, B Corps, state non-profits, 501(c)(3) organizations, and 501(c)(4) organizations), universities or schools (private, public, charter), religious institutions, or LLCs established for commercial enterprise are not eligible.

This grant is oriented toward independent projects driven by artists and cannot be used as supplemental organizational funding. Applicants can be working with nonprofit organizations as venues or partners, but the project must be driven primarily by the artists and be distinct from an organization’s regular programming.

Projects that are in support of or present individual artists and their solo practice are not eligible. Projects must be based in collaboration in either process or implementation. The Sustaining Practice tier is open to individuals for research time for future collaborative projects.

Students enrolled in a degree program as well as current students, faculty, post-graduate fellows, and staff of Tufts Univeristy are not eligible. Tufts University alumni are welcome to apply.

Applicants can not propose projects to be sited at Tufts University Art Galleries.